Friday, September 28, 2012

I feel like Daedelus.

My wings are almost ready! That is, I just bound off my Wingspan shawlette on the bus ride in to work today. Hooray! I'm looking forward to soaking and blocking it. I wonder if it will end up a bit bigger, because right now, it's really only wearable as a scarf, I think. The colors are awesome. I'll take pictures as soon as I can. On Sunday, I'm meeting up with a large bunch of people, and one of them is bringing a bunch of yarn that she wants to get rid of. Ooooh. Now, if she's selling it, I will probably not get anything that doesn't absolutely call to my deepest soul, because...YARNIA IS COMING. Also known as Stitches East. :) However, I may bring a couple skeins to swap. That blue-and-white mottled sock yarn I got from Fabric Place is not really doing it for me. Nor is that "Roses Are Red" colorway of lace yarn from Cherry Tree Hill that I got at a previous Yarnia. It's just not red enough or purple enough to make me happy. It's too in-between. Bleah. They should go to a loving home. :)