Monday, April 04, 2011


First, the progress report: I finished Clue 4 of the Vernal Equinox shawl! Yay! It's really coming along. I started Clue 5 today on my break. I took a couple pictures of the WIP the other day, but haven't yet had a chance to connect the camera to the computer and see how they came out. If they're any god, I'll share 'em!

Now...temptation! I think I need some Sanguine Gryphon yarn. I'm leaning towards getting enough of the Little Traveler in Hotel Tassel to make myself a Shipwreck Shawl. Gods help me. I love the sound of the Skinny Bugga! but the Little Traveler is SO much cheaper, and I'd have way more room for "oh no I screwed up!" because of the longer skeins. Nothing wrong with pure merino, right? Though I will still and always think of the color as "Honeybee," which is what it's called in Skinny Bugga! because I love honeybees. Think how gorgeous that would be with some amber, brown, gold, and bronze beads! *swoon*

OTOH, I do have a lot of yarn already.

I think...I think I need to have a stash swap or something. Or just say, "TAKE MY YARN, PLEASE" to my friends. I think my wool-averse friends will like my brightly colored acrylics bought for baby clothes. And there's just so much random stuff in my bins. I definitely want to keep my Sparkle, my Cherry Tree Hill Lace, my merino-silk-bamboo(?) blend of navy worsted that feels so nice...not sure what else, though. Some cheap stuff just for practice (I do, after all, need to practice knitting continental and then try fair isle, and also learn intarsia.) Time to purge! And make room for more!

Damn it all, lace has gotten me UTTERLY HOOKED on buying yarn. But I can't be mad. I love it too much. :)

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