Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Oh, the sacrifices we make for family

When last we saw our heroine, she was purchasing yarn to make a sweater for the first member of the next generation of the family. Yeah, my cousin and his wife are having a baby. I've been working on the sweater on and off--I got especially distracted by my man coming home from Afghanistan--but right now I'm ready to bind off and weave in the ends. Then I'll sew on a button, crochet a loop to fasten it, and give it a gentle wash in the sink. The shower's on the 22nd. Should be good by then! Oddly, I ran out of the main color of my yarn before I could do the button band and collar. That didn't happen last time. I am substituting one of the contrasting colors (periwinkle blue). Looks fine. I will actually be able to return one of the skeins of yarn I bought for the project: the cream-colored yarn I had from my old skein was sufficient for the project, so I didn't need to wind the new one!

When this is done...hmm...start my Shipwreck? Talk to Mom about doing her a shawl for Christmas? (Might be late...) Finish those goddamn socks that have been sitting in the drawer for literal YEARS? (Probably not.) Whatever, working with thick worsted weight yarn seems downright WEIRD to me right now, and I'm eager for some sock-weight-or-lighter lace again. :)

OH! The sacrifice. Yeah. The shower, as I said, is on the 22nd. That is the weekend of Stitches East. I'd assumed my friend the Knitting Kumquat wouldn't want to go, having just given birth a month ago to Baby MC^2. I figured, "Oh well, I'll miss it, but it's not like I'd have been able to go without her anyway, since she's my ride there." Last night, she e-mailed me to say, "Do you want to go?" ARGH. Oh well. Maybe we can make a road trip to WEBS sometime.

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