Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bees and beads!

I just bought some beads for a Shipwreck Shawl! I ended up getting them from Fire Mountain Gems, which sells 8/0 round seed beads in 40-gram bags. I bought five of them. That should be enough, even given that the brand I bought seems to have fewer beads per gram than other Japanese 8/0s. I got transparent glass beads with silver lining, in light gold, medium gold, and root beer (a medium brown). I think they'll be great with the Honeybee yarn!

Chances are I'm going to start Shipwreck over Thanksgiving. I think it's likely I'll finish Mémère's Multnomah before then. I'm on repeat #9 of the F&F pattern, I believe. I hope it'll be big enough! I wonder, if I DID block it, how much would it stretch?

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