Saturday, November 04, 2006

Making my entrance

So! Finally, I have created a blog just to talk about knitting. I feel so cool now. Just to warn anyone who stumbles on this blog: it really is ONLY for knitting. And, since I am not an enormously prolific knitter, it will not be updated all that frequently, I'm afraid. I do intend to make a few posts now and again, though, and really promise to try to get FO and WIP pictures up here on a regular basis.

I've never used Blogger before, so if the layout and all is a bit boring, forgive me. Hopefully the knitting will still be interesting.

My name is The Wanton Seed Stitch. Why? Well, "The Wanton Seed" is a cute and naughty little English folk song full of double entendres so thin you could read a newspaper through them. Seed stitch is a knitting stitch. So: cute and naughty knitting. I think it works. :)

I'm a member of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Stitch 'n' Bitch, and also knit with a few other friends. If you're a knitting buddy of mine, hi! Welcome to my new blog. If I don't know you yet, hi! Welcome, and nice to meet you. I hope to provide at least a modicum of entertainment. And perhaps a touch of rather gleeful and unabashed naughtiness here and there. Hope you don't mind!


FemiKnitMafia said...


Nadira said...

Welcome, Laura!
(Jess who never comes anymore because she works across town)

Bostonworkerbee said...

Hurrah! very nice blog! I'm looking forward to reading more posts!