Now, I haven't finished using all the yarn I bought at the last SE. I got the stuff that I used to make Aeolian, and that's done. Hey, have a full shot!

I also got the stuff I'm using to make Multnomah, and that's in progress. Here's a WIP shot (blurry, but shows the color)!

I also got the Mystery Green Yarn That Seems To Be Laceweight, and haven't used that yet at all. See, it's marked "sport," but it's a 2-ply that has 2200 yards to the pound, so that's, well, LACE! I need to pick a shawl for it. I have about 1200 yards. Here's a picture. Sorry about the crappy yarn cakes: my swift needs some glue.

Now, this year, I knew I wanted to get some nice laceweight. I ended up getting it at DBNY, where I had gotten the Dream in Color stuff last year. This year, they had a whole bunch of lovely Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Lace. Here's the color I got: Roses Are Red. My cat is furry and blurry. Don't mind her.

I also got a couple small (50-meter) skeins of a yarn that DBNY called "Sparkle", which is actually a variant on SWTC's "Yang." The Kumquat and I had been ogling sequined yarn (hey, I'm also a belly dancer!) all day, but most of it was extremely pricey. This was $7 for a skein. It's probably going to be a simple small scarf.

Other purchases included stitch markers (I ALWAYS seem to lose them) and a blocking set that includes flex wires, rigid wires, pins, and a yardstick.
Next time, we need to be more judicious about how we spend our time, because it costs us opportunities! Last year we didn't even finish looking at all the vendors. This year, we barely did. We scarcely had any time at one we missed last year: the Sanguine Gryphon. I'd only just heard of them, and this was the first time I got to really look at their stuff. Wow, is it gorgeous! These girls are like the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab of yarn: quirky and geeky and a whole lot of fun! Next year, I WILL buy something there. Yes, I will. Also, it was rather sweet when they liked my skirt enough that they threatened to molest me. In fact, that skirt got me a LOT of attention. More than my Aeolian! Sure, I got compliments on Aeolian. It's a fairly complex shawl, and the beads add real sparkle and interest. But a lot of people had on lace shawls. Not many people were wearing knitted skirts. The corset-style lacing in the back really adds something to it, as well. I had a slew of people ask me what the pattern was.
Oh man, what a day! It was really delightful. We were among our own, you know? It's the same kind of feeling I get when I go to Arisia, the sci-fi convention held here in Boston: I can geek out like mad, and be surrounded by people geeking out over the same stuff. The Kumquat, a fellow sci-fi-geek, knows this feeling as well.
It's probably a good thing for my wallet that I didn't go for the whole weekend, but man, I could have browsed in there for days, never mind taking classes!