I finished binding off my Vernal Equinox shawl yesterday, on the bus ride home from work. W00t! I put it in the sink to soak with a little knit wash before dinner, and after dinner, I took it out, rolled it in some towels to get most of the water out, and pinned it out to block. I do my blocking in Spare Oom, a.k.a. the guest room, where kitty is not allowed to go. In that room, we have a futon that's opened out to bed-shape. One set of sheets we have for it is plaid, which means...uniformly-sized squares! I use T-pins to pin the shawl to the futon. I also have some blocking wires. This time I used three of the wires to hold the straight edge of the shawl. Dang, that thing has GROWN with the blocking. It's supposed to block out to about 76" wide, but I just didn't have that much room on the bed! It's about 72" instead. One day, I'll reblock it to its full size. Anyway, it took me an hour and a half to pin it out. I didn't even use as many pins as I'd have liked. I want the curves edge to be little scallops instead of little points, but didn't have enough pins for it. Also, I didn't have enough room on the futon to stretch the shawl out big enough to spread those scallops out to their full extent. Still, it's opened up nicely, and should be plenty big enough to wear. And hey, have some glamour shots!

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