Beware, friends, the hazards of knitting on a very, VERY crowded commuter rail train!
I cast on for the Vernal Equinox Shawl swatch on the train on my way to see my family for Thanksgiving. I bound off a stop or two before getting off the train, and put my knitting bag down. Then my phone rang. I rummaged for my backpack to get it, knocking over my knitting bag in the process, I guess. When I got to my parents' house, I found out that the needles I'd been using were gone (the size 6 tips from my Harmony Options and a 16" cable), as were my Clover Chibi yarn needles and my BRAND NEW stitch markers--the whole bag of them. GAH!!!
I was so pissed. I blocked the swatch, and it turns out that the size 6 needles were really the perfect size. But, I wanted to get started on the actual shawl while I was on vacation. I ended up whipping out the size 5 tips and knitting really loosely, which was more comfortable than knitting tightly on 7s. I hope it goes well. So far, it looks fine. I've done the first and second charts all the way through, and am about 15 rows into the third chart. I do need to get more stitch markers, I think. I also need to order another pair of size 6 Harmony Options tips. After Christmas, I guess, since my mom's doing money rather than presents this year.
I'm not a huge fan of this yarn. It's really loosely spun, which makes it pretty splitty. But the coloring is turning out to be quite pretty, and I think it'll look nice when it's done.
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