Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thank the gods for lifelines!

GAH!!!!! Moron! *smacks self in the head*

So, the past couple of days, I've been happily working away at my Vernal Equinox shawl. I started Clue 5 after I picked up the stitches on the lifeline. I had the right number of stitches on my needles to do it, and everything. Only, I didn't look carefully enough at the work I've done so far. I'm pretty damned sure I forgot to do Clue 4, which requires the same starting number of stitches. What an idiot. I want to check this very carefully one more time to make sure I'm correct, but I'm pretty damn sure I have to rip out the last six rows I've done (and these are 245 stitch rows, folks) and then start on Clue 4.

Note to self: you need to own more than one row counter if you have more than one project on the needles at a time, woman. Time to hit up the LYS.

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